When you are thinking about implementing a CRM-system, there are in our experience quite a few things to consider. Both...
When you delete a person, that profile is marked as deleted. When a person’s profile is deleted, you can no...
Att kunna hantera flera olika e-postadresser är viktigt eftersom en person kan ha flera olika roller i ett CRM-system. Exempelvis...
The Mira Event check in feature lets you easily check in event participants at an event using mobile devices such...
Mira is an application used by different clients. One functionality in Mira is external forms where end users can identify...
Miras alumnlösning låter våra användare designa och sätta upp egna registreringsformulär för sina alumner. När vi designade lösningen var ett...
When you have an activity with a group of people, you might want to log the same activity on all...
In Mira users with system administration privilege assign access to different modules of the system for other users (“module based...
In Mira access to functionality is controlled by giving a user access to certain modules in the system (“module based...
To comply with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) of May 2018, personal data “shall be kept in a form...
To add an organization, either from the start page, click the Organization-badge to get to the list of all organizations...
When communicating by email it is important to offer the recipient a convenient way of unsubscribing. Mira offers a few...
Bra datakvalitet i ditt CRM-system är fundamentalt viktig för din organisation. Dålig datakvalitet medför att dina insatser kan bli, rent utsagt,...
In English: The import function for people in Mira (www-mira-se.translate.goog) Ett sätt hålla ditt CRM-system levande och uppdaterat är att...
Om du eller dina kollegor behöver arbeta hemifrån så går det bra att använda Mira i alla fall. Om du...
En sak som många av våra kunder ofta vill göra är massuppdatera en viss grupp av personer i sitt system....
2025 February Mira now fully support SAS-integration via SISU enabling Mira to read and write to SISU [CRM] Fixed an...
When you select to mark a person as deceased, their profile will be marked as deceased, their contact preferences will...
In general no. Use the separate function Erase personal data instead. That way all personal data will be erased, but...
I Mira styr vilka modulrättigheter en användare har vad som visas upp när personen är inloggad i administrationsgränssnittet. Om användaren...
See also Should I delete deceased persons from the system? What happens when I mark a person as deceased in...