Email communications

Click statistics for e-mail campaigns

Its easy to see how many clicks and opens your email campaigns are generating. Navigate to Email => Sent email....

Creating an email campaign

When sending e-mail from Mira, you create an email campaign. An email campaign is sent to one or several recipients....

E-postadresser i Mira

Att kunna hantera flera olika e-postadresser är viktigt eftersom en person kan ha flera olika roller i ett CRM-system. Exempelvis...

FAQ: For e-mails sent out via Mira, Why is the from address

The reply-to address is the e-mail address specified by the e-mail template, but the actual e-mail address in the from...

FAQ: How long does it take for an e-mail to reach the recipient?

Usually e-mails are delivered instantly (within seconds) to the recipients. Our statistics show that an email leaves the Mira system...

FAQ: If I click the link ”Send e-mail to user with instructions on how to reset password”, will a contact note with this information be created on this person?

No, a contact note is not created on a person with information about that at e-mail has ben sent from...

FAQ: Om en person finns med i två sparade urval, kommer hen få dubbla kopior på utskick?

Ett utskick går bara en gång till varje mottagare. Även om en person matchar flera olika kriterier i ett urval...

FAQ: Varför ser mitt mail konstigt ut?

När man vidarebefordrar ett e-postmeddelande kan dess utseende påverkas och det kan få effekten att bilder, länkar, punktlistor och knappar...

FAQ: What are design templates and content templates for email communications?

When sending e-mail from Mira, you create an email campaign. An email campaign is sent to one or several recipients....

FAQ: What is the best image type, width and size for email?

Image file size: less than 1 MB, preferably under 200 kB. File type: png, jpg or gif Image width: 516...

FAQ: Why are not my tags (for example: ##FULLNAME##) replaced with correct information when I do a test mailing?

##FULL NAME## and other tags are not replaced with the correct information when mailing test mails. The tags are replaced...

FAQ: Why can’t I copy and paste with formatting into an email?

This is to make sure that your email will only contain formatting that will work as intended on all major...

FAQ:How to send an email to multiple persons

When you have a saved query, or any standard list of persons in Mira, it is easy to send them...

How to send an e-mail campaign and manage bounces and auto-replies

Are you feeling unsure how to send an e-mail campaign? Follow these 8 steps and your e-mail will soon be...

HOWTO: Manage unsubscribes from email subscriptions and campaigns

When communicating by email it is important to offer the recipient a convenient way of unsubscribing. Mira offers a few...

Hur gör jag ett testutskick? – Mira Network FAQ

När man ska göra större eller viktiga e-postutskick så kan man först vilja göra ett testutskick till sig själv. Så...

Hur tolkar jag statistiken för ett e-postutskick? Vad menas med mottagare, blockerade, skickade, öppat och klickat?

Mottagare är “tänkta mottagare”. Om utskicket skapats från ett urval är “Tänkta mottagare” antalet personer i urvalet + enstaka mottagare som...

I am trying to send an e-mail from the system to a person. The e-mail bounces when I send it from the system, but not when I send it from my own outlook. Why is this?

When the e-mail i sent from the Mira-system, it is sent to a mail server. You can say that it...

Release notes

2025 February Mira now fully support SAS-integration via SISU enabling Mira to read and write to SISU  [CRM] Fixed an...

Så här enkelt är det att skicka påminnelsemail till evenemangsdeltagare från mobilen

Så här skickar du påminnelser från systemet till dina registrerade deltagare på ett evenemang

Så här enkelt skapar och designar du ett e-postmeddelande i vår nya modul

I den här filmen visar vi hur du kan skapa och designa ett e-postmeddelande i vår nya e-postmodul:

Settings to ensure delivery of email messages sent from your Mira system

Updated 2024-01-30 Google and Yahoo recently announced new sending requirements that will go into effect in February 2024. In order...

The system tells me that the size of my attached file in the mailing is too large. Why?

The file that is attached in the mailing is taken times the number of recipients. This is why it becomes...

When I paste text in the text editor, the text is displayed in different styles, fonts and font sizes. Why does this happen?

Update 2019-05-14: not anymore! We now make sure that when you copy and paste into the email editor, your text...

Why do links go through

Links in emails are automatically transformed to the form… This means that all clicks are routed through our servers,...