Yes, both postal addresses and e-mail addresses can be marked as ”undeliverable”.
The system tracks when entities are created, updated or marked for deletion, with timestamp and active user. When relevant, a...
It is possible to create dynamic queries to obtain key data on the number of contactable persons. For example: persons...
For a person who has no postal address stored, displays a blank address based on a Nordic/Swedish template. If you...
Normalt bör man vara väldigt restriktiv till att spara postadress eller annan information om personer med skyddad adress eller uppgifter...
Orsaken till att de två urvalen ger olika antal personer är att systemet skiljer på “personer som helt saknar adress”...
When the e-mail i sent from the Mira-system, it is sent to a mail server. You can say that it...
If the address is excluded or not, depends on what list you choose to download. Here’s how it works: The...
Skatteverket använder termerna “personal identity number” “co-ordination number” i sin broschyr Population registration in Sweden SKV 717B. All persons who are registered...
Email addresses requires that you enter a correct email address, otherwise it can not be stored. The system will give...