Lists in RM (Relationship Management)

Advanced filtering: How can I use filtering to select an arbitrary set of rows in a list?

Let’s say you are working in a person list and you would like to select all people working at Volvo...

Can I change the order of the columns?

Yes you can. The first time you visit a list in RM you will get Mira’s default setup of that list....

Can I change the visibility of columns in lists?

Yes you can. The first time you visit a list in RM you will get Mira’s default setup of that...

Can I sort the rows in a list? Can I sort by multiple columns at the same time?

To sort the list by a specific column just click the header of the column. The up/down arrows by the...

How can I export data from a list to an Excel document?

If the list has a checkbox column to the left and a download button  in the top right section you...

How can I filter what data is displayed in the list?

If the list has a search box at the top left you can filter the data in the list by...

How can I select multiple rows in a list?

When the list has a checkbox column to the left you can select rows. To select multiple rows at once...

How can I share a filtered and sorted list with a colleague?

When filtering, sorting, and even paging, a list, your choices are reflected through special codes in the address field of...

How do I add the result from a query to a previously saved static query?

To add the result from a query to a previously saved static query, do like this First make your query,...

Person list: How can I add persons to an existing query?

In the person list there is a button in the top right with a lightning bolt icon . After selecting the...

Person list: How can I create a person query?

In the person list there is a button in the top right with a lightning bolt icon . After selecting the...

Person list: How can I send an e-mail to selected persons?

In the person list there is a button in the top right with a lightning bolt icon . After selecting the...

What can I do with selected rows?

When a list has a checkbox column to the left you can select rows. If the list has an action...

What lists does this Knowledge Base category refer to?

In october 2014 we introduced a new list interface in Mira RM. Initially this list interface was implemented only where...