How to use the function Erase personal data

To comply with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) of May 2018, personal data “shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed”. 

When a personal data is erased for a person, the profile is NOT deleted, but the following will happen;

  • Firstname and last name is set to ‘(erased)’
  • Contact information (email addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers, Skype address, LinkedIn profile, etc) are erased
  • Contact preferences are set to no
  • Data in person fields is erased from event applications
  • Personal data is erased from any applications to My Alumni Page or portal
  • Personal data is erased from applications and registrations for courses
  • Erased persons are removed from quick search index

That way all personal data will be erased, but statistics for the number of event participants, alumni registrations, or email recipients will not be affected. 

See also What happens when I delete a profile, mark a person as deceased, or erase personal data for a person?

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