When you delete a person, that profile is marked as deleted. When a person’s profile is deleted, you can no...
Yes, the Mira application use cookies to function properly. Most of our cookies expires when the browsing session ends. We use...
To comply with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) of May 2018, personal data “shall be kept in a form...
Uppdatering 20200317: Nedanstående information gäller Miras äldre lösning för alumnrelationer. I vår nya lösning, Alumni Registrations Forms, finns det en...
2024 October: Adjustments to the admissions process after client feedback [CRM, ISR] Possibility to create and list partnership agreements [CRM]...
When you select to mark a person as deceased, their profile will be marked as deceased, their contact preferences will...
In general no. Use the separate function Erase personal data instead. That way all personal data will be erased, but...
Ibland får vi frågan om varför lärosäten behöver ett separat CRM-system för att hantera alumner då alla tidigare studenter redan...
See also Should I delete deceased persons from the system? What happens when I mark a person as deceased in...
When you mark a person as deceased, that person will be flagged as deceased. She will no longer be included...