On the event page, in the tab Applications, press the + button. (Currently you need to hold CTRL while clicking...
There is actually a way to add several persons at the same time. It requires that the persons are stored in...
Yes, it is possible to add participants manually. Go to the tab “Participants” and click on the green plus-sign to...
If an event participant enters an incorrect email address in her event registration, the registration will be saved, but she...
The Mira Event check in feature lets you easily check in event participants at an event using mobile devices such...
Or “how long is an event that does not have an end date?” When creating an event, you can enter...
Normally, when the maximum number of applications (applied + confirmed) has been reached, the application form will close. If you...
It is possible to have application pages in two different languages connected to the same event. When creating an event...
The best way is to have an application field in with a checkbox “No, I am NOT able to attend this...
If you want to accept both online payments (such as credit cards) and payment by invoices, do like this: Set...
For a while you have had the option to toggle on a waiting list for your events. We have now...
I det korta klippet nedan går vi igenom hur ett evenemang är uppbyggt i Miras nya evenemangsmodul. Vi tittar på...
It is not possible to delete an event that contains participants To be able to delete the event, first delete...
Mira integrates with several payment providers to allow participant to pay participation fees directly with their credit cards. We also...
A successful event consists of many pieces, and to get them all together can sometimes be a challenge. Use our summarized checklist...
2025 February Mira now fully support SAS-integration via SISU enabling Mira to read and write to SISU [CRM] Fixed an...
För att kontakta anmälda deltagare på ett evenemang, gör så här: Om evenemanget inte visas på din startsida, använd navigeringen...
I det korta klippet nedan går vi igenom hur fliken “Anmälningssida” fungerar i Miras nya evenemangsmodul.
Så här skickar du påminnelser från systemet till dina registrerade deltagare på ett evenemang
I det här korta klippet går vi igenom hur fliken “Anmälningsfält” fungerar i Miras nya evenemangsmodul. Vi tittar på hur...
I klippet nedan kommer vi gå igenom hur fliken “Inställningar” fungerar i Miras evenemangsmodul. Vi tittar på hur en administratör...
I det här korta klippet tittar vi på hur du kan hantera allmän information till ditt evenemang och hur du...
FRÅGA: På evenemang i Mira så visas vissa anmälningar som “bekräftade” och andra som “anmäld”. Vad är skillnaden och går...
Let’s play with the figure maximum number of particiapnts: one person. When the event has reached its maximum number of...
When you create an event you choose what language you want the event to be in. It is possible to...