Facebook app review instructions

Mira is an application used by different clients. One functionality in Mira is external forms where end users can identify themselves using Facebook login. Each client has their own Facebook app. 

This document contains detailed instructions describing how you can access the Mira system to test and review the Facebook login functionality.

  1. Go to the Site URL.

  2. Click Continue with Facebook
  3. Enter credentials for any valid Facebook account. 
  4. Accept giving the Mira app access
  5. You should now see the form, e.g.

  6. Verify that your account’s First name and Last name are prefilled.
  7. Check I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy.
  8. Click Register
  9. Verify that you get the confirmation page

This is the final step of the functionality. Our system does not offer any additional sign in functionality for the Facebook login.


N.B.! The message in the final step will vary, and might contain text such as “your membership is pending approval”, “We will get back to you soon!” This will not happen for test and verification accounts since the approval process integrates with other systems. The page with URL …/confirmation?… is the final step in the verification process.

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