Usually e-mails are delivered instantly (within seconds) to the recipients. Our statistics show that an email leaves the Mira system within 1 second. To achieve this we are using Mandrill.
But sometimes, it may take a few couple minutes. However, if it’s taking more than 10-20 minutes, further investigation might be necessary.
- Look at the Campain History page in your system.
- To see if there are any problems with Mandrill go to
- Contact Mira Live and we will investigate further.
If you want to understand what happens then an email is delivered to a recipient, please read further.
When mails are sent from your Mira system there are a lot of things that happen:
1. The mail is sent from the Mira system to Mandrill (
2. Mandrill sends the mail to the recipient
3. The e-mail might pass several SMTP-Servers (mail servers) on its way to the recipients mailbox.
In each of these steps there might be delays.