Using Mira to follow up email campaigns

Magnus BrattBlog, Email campaigns, How-to

Looking at the statistics for email campaigns can give insights into what your constituents find interesting, and how to write subjects that make recipients open and follow the call to action.

In Mira, you can easily see the metrics for each email campaign on the Previous Campaigns page.

But what if you want to follow up all the campaigns sent last year?

  1. Go to the Previous Campaigns page
  2. Use the filter to only get the campaigns sent last year, and download the list to Excel
  3. If you use Mira to send other e-mails than regular campaigns, you might want to remove them from the list in Excel. Select the Data ribbon, and click Filter. Each column now have a drop down menu. You can now filter only the campaigns with say more than 20 recipients.
  4. Sort the list by Open rate or Click rate. The open rate of course depends on the subject, day of week and time of day the campaign was sent. The click rate depends on weather the email was a teaser with a call to action link, or contained all relevant information without any click. But these metrics give an indication on which campaigns generated the most attention.

The average open rate for unsegmented e-mail campaigns are about 25% (Apsis). According to MailChip’s statistics for the industry ”Education and training”, the open rate is 36.1% and click rate 3.4%. For Mira clients, the open rate varies between 30% and 40%, and the click rate normally varies between 5% – 10%.

Our five campaigns last year with the highest click rate last year was (sorry, Swedish only):

  1. Mira Network – Tack för deltagandet igår på vårt webinar. Nu kan du se det igen på vår blogg. 
  2. Mira Network – Vem är egentligen alumn?
  3. Vad hände 2016 och vad ser vi fram emot 2017?
  4. Mira Network – Tre webinars om nya dataskyddsförordningen för dig som arbetar med externa relationer
  5. Mira Network – Mira lanserar nytt användargränssnitt

For our 23 campaigns with more than 20 recipients last year, we had an average open rate of 47% and an average click rate of 6%.