The first NE/5 release of the fall is #2950. Below you will find information about the content of the release, for specific information regarding your configuration please ask your project manager.
#10731 Event series *
You can use Event series when you wish to split a larger event (for example a conference) into several sessions or if you wish to group for example all career-seminars together. You will then get a common information page for the event that can be used in invitations and information material. The information page gives the participants an overview of the event and guides them to sign up for the sessions or seminars of interest.
#12214 New standard reports in the query-module
We have increased the number of standard report that you can choose from when you process a query in RM. From the tab “Process query” you will now find reports with for example education information and address lists with employment addresses.
#12212 Create a person or organization query from email addresses, PersonIDs or OrganizationIDs. *
As an internal user in RM you can create a static query from email addresses, PersonIDs or OrganizationIDs. This means that you can download an Excel report from RM and after you have processed the report you can copy and paste the information from the PersonID column back into RM to have an instant static query. You can also use this function to create a query of members that participated in a company event or subscribe to the student newspaper by copy and pasting their email addresses.
#12215 Multilingual quick poll*
The quick poll module now supports a multilingual portal. You choose the language for each quick poll and it will become visible in the portal for the members that have that language setting.
#12221 List of groups in RM*
If you have the module “Network Groups” and/or “Official groups” you will now find a complete list of active groups in RM showing the number of members and direct links to the portal group page.
Smaller adjustments
– We have optimized the query module in RM to make it more robust and a better response time.
– You can now create a static query directly from the query module.
– We have made adjustments in Global Search in the portal so that it now includes organizations from the CV-module.
– The profile picture thumbnail in lists is now centered vertically.
– If you have a multilingual portal the portal language is no longer affected when you go back and forth from the portal and RM.
– We have optimized several data queries to make pages load faster.
* This an additional module or an extension of an existing module. If you already have the module you will get access to the extensions. If you do not have the module activated at this time, please refer to your project manager regarding information on what it would entail to activate it for you.