Integrating external relations, maximizing the synergies of fundraising, alumni and corporate relations. Mira presentation at CASE Manchester.

MiraAlumni Relations, Career Services, Conferences, Corporate Contacts, Executive Education, Fundraising Management, International Office, Rankings, Student Recruitment

Magnus Bratt, CEO of Mira Network, and John Kelly, founder member of the Mira Alliance and formerly president of the international Brakeley group, will give a showcase speaker presentation at the CASE Europe Annual Conference in Manchester.
The topic is Integrating external relations, maximizing the synergies of fundraising, alumni and corporate relations.
In so many institutions, development and other external relations activities operate in separate silos. Several Swedish universities have set up External Relations Divisions headed by a Vice Rector leading and coordinating activities such as Development, Alumni Relations, Careers Services, Corporate Relations, Communications and Marketing.
Brakeley Mira in the Nordic countries and Mira Network have redirected their consulting services to address the needs of Swedish universities. Could this approach to Advancement transfer to other countries?
We will cover the historical background to this development, give examples of what different universities have done in this area and give what we have found to be best practices.
The session will be held 12.15 – 13.00 on Thursday September 1st.