Thank you for using Mira and providing feedback! We continuously update and improve the functionality in Mira based on feedback and requests from our clients.
Major developments and new features will get their own posts and maybe a video, but below you will find a selection of smaller updates we have made recently:
[ CRM ] Lists now show how many rows are selected. The first number in the button shows the number of selected rows, the second number shows the number of unique connected persons that you can use in queries. Click the button to show only the selected rows.
[ CRM ] We now offer chat support to all users through integration with Intercom. (Read more in Swedish: Vi förbättrar vår kundsupport genom att integrera med Intercom)
[ CRM ] The right sidebar with the recent lists now behaves a bit more logical. Click the icon to cycle through collapsed, overlay and pinned. #41011
[ CRM ] The Audit log now tracks more changes.
[ EVENT MANAGEMENT ] We now display event registration statistics a little nicer and with the ability to expand to view the numer of applications per status. Make sure you set the maximum number of registrations to get the chart! The statistics will also auto update every 30 seconds, just as the list of applications.
[ LADOK3 ] We now listen to “deceased” events from LADOK3. We also listen to un-decease. We have re-run all historical events so your Mira system is in sync with the information in Ladok3. #41496. See also
[ MEMBERSHIPS ] We support automatic printing of membership cards through integration with CardPlus.
[ MEMBERSHIPS ] We now ask for consent to process personal data when applying for membership. #41923
[ ULV/VAL ] We can now configure templates for admissions, request for completion and rejections for ULV / VAL education management. #41662And really soon now we will launch our updated email communications module and person profile!