Release #16463


It’s now time for a new release of the Fundraising module. You will find information about the release in the text below. You will be contacted by your project leader if you have access to this functionality.
Gifts and major gift opportunities. Redesign of the campaign overview page.

The campaign overview page has had a complete overhaul and its name changed to “Fundraising overview”. This page now shows relevant information about all campaigns. It also lists the latest activities and contact notes created in fundraising purpose.

Redesign of the campaign page

In order to ease up the creating and editing of the campaign parts and the campaign information we have now done a redesign of the page. The Edit-tab has now been removed and been replaced by a link at the top of the campaign for easier editing.

Easier editing of campaign parts (Needs, funds and approaches)

Editing of the campaign parts is now done directly from the campaign overview page since the edit-tab has been removed. It’s been replaced with a new fresh and more user friendly interface.

New: Creating queries based on fundraising information

We have now added new fundraising boxes to the query creation page. You will have access to two new boxes, from which you can specify criterias based on gifts or major gift opportunities.

New: Download fundraising reports when processing queries

From the “process query” tab you can now choose to download reports containing fundraising information based on the query result.

New: Payment plan

A new overview page for all incoming and overdue payments connected to existing gifts.

Changes in input fields for gifts and major gift opportunities

Major gift opportunities

  • New field: “Donor’s contact person” when the contact person is not the same person as the actual donor
  • Change in field name: The field “Manager” has changed name to “Internal manager” for clarification
  • New field: “Donor’s contact person” when the contact person is not the same person as the actual donor
  • New field: “Do not publish this gift”
  • New field: “Thank you letter sent”
Changes in the gift and major gift opportunity lists

The lists displaying gifts and major gift opportunities have been tweaked for an easier overview and filtering.

New module: Stewardship

This is a new module containing a set of functionalities that enable an easier approach to working with stewardship. The list below shows some of the functionalities that exist in the Stewardship module.

– Contact notes and task can now be classified as “Stewardship” in the cooperation list
– Gift documents can now be uploaded and connected to a specific gift
– Fundraising documents can now be uploaded and connected to a person
– Additional stewardship-specific fields that also can be used in queries
– Marking persons as VIP
– Setting up activity plans for donors (stewardship plan) that include important dates and reminders.