This year annual European CASE conference takes place in Liverpool, England. As usual there are delegates from all over the world and the four tracks “Alumni Relations”, “Fundraising”, “Marketing” and “Communication”. From Denmark there are four schools represented, from Finland seven, Norway three and eight from Sweden.
Big news is that Aarhus University School of Business in Denmark won silver in The CASE Circle of Excellence Awards programme for their campaign “YOUCHEW Customise Your Own Business Study”. Congratulations on a good job!
The CASE conference is a great source of inspiration, sharing experience and meeting great people – here’s one good thought worth passing on:
“If we would investigate, document and analyze our success in the same extent as we do our failures then we would know what we need to do to succeed. This would mean that you’d know when you’re not on the right course and what you need to do to get back on track which results in less failure and more success.” John Neal, Director, Sport Business Initiative, Ashridge Business School, UK