The 4th of October it is premiere in Sweden for the first National day of Alumni!
The initiative aims to have several universites to arrange something for their alumni on this day or connected to this day on a yearly basis, to create a national buzz about alumni relations. There will also be sent out common press releases to all national media about the day. The aim long term is also to combine forces and resources for common information campaigns.
Leona Axelsson at Örebro University has been the co-ordinator for this first trial run and she’s really happy about how everything has worked out so far. “This is the first time we do this and we are 9 universities and one institution who have been collaborating this time. Also, on our event at Örebro University we now have more than 200 guest singed up which we are very excited about.” The University of Linköping have produced a button for everyone to use in relation to the National day of Alumni (see picture).
Here are the Universities and University Colleges that have taken part of the initiative this year – some of the schools are also linked to the event(s) they are arranging for the National day of Alumni (In Swedish):
Örebro Universitet
Stockholms Universitet
Företagsekonomiska institutionen på Stockholms Universitet
Högskolan i SkövdeMalmö Högskola
Göteborgs Universitet
Karolinska Institutet
Södertörns högskola
Linköping Universitet
Karlstad Universitet
If you want to be part of the National day of Alumni next year, have any questions or want to make a International day of Alumni you are welcome to contact Leona Axelsson at Örebro University!