How does Mira work with security issues?

This is a very broad question and we will answer some aspects of it here.

Writing secure code
To ensure that the code is secure we educates out programmers in e g the OWASP Top 10 project. We also run tests to ensure that the application isn’t subject to e g Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) or injection.

Protection of data
The database is only accessible from our office or the server that runs application. If you as a customer is ordering a backup or data report from the database it is only sent by mail or by e-mail to specific persons in your organisation.

Secure transportation of data across the internet.
The Mira system uses HTTPS and certificates to ensure secure transportation of data across the internet.

Security Policy
We have a security policy, but have decided not to make it public. It can be sent upon request.

System Classification
Mira works on classifying the system according to OWASPs definition.

If you have any other questions regarding this matter please contact Mira Live.

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