Mira Year in review 2021

Johan JohannessonBlog, Uncategorized

2021 is over and what a ride it has been. It is impossible to look back at 2021 without contemplating how the pandemic has marked another year. But we all work from the trenches (home offices) and look for, hopefully, sunnier days ahead

It can be hard to feel optimistic when there are still so many challenges ahead and we still are in the middle of the Omicron outbreak. But if anything, the pandemic has shown us the power of people to find new ways to navigate through this crisis and to continue to get the work done!

As 2021 has passed, we share this look at some of the year’s highlights and look forward into 2022.

A warm welcome to our new clients!

During 2021 we have started to work with Malmö university and Högskolan Dalarnas Lärarutbildning. We are of course overjoyed to have the chance to work with them and are looking forward to both being inspired by them and to deliver smart solutions that create value in their external relations.

New smart solutions

During 2021 we  have continued to improve our solutions and have launched a completely new way of designing online forms. Together with Uppsala university we have also totally revamped our contract education module. I had hoped to also include the release of a brand new redesign of our fundraising module and the new feature of “typed” email-addresses, but unfortunately we couldn’t push it over the finish line for 2021 and it is due for release in early 2022 instead.

In addition to these larger projects we are doing small improvements and tweaks every day. All our systems update every night so new features and improvements become available to our customers from one day to the next.  If you are curious about what we have been working on during the 2021, check out our release notes page

Continued high use of our systems

As of early 2022 there are almost 500 000 persons registered in our systemes. During 2021 over 120 000 of them were created or updated. Over 11,000 activities were logged in 2021 and over 3000 organisations were created or updated during the year

484 979

persons in our systems. 

123 017  were created or updated during 202

18 893

organizations in our systems

3 296 were created or updated during 2021

11 011

registered activities(not including e-mail)


During 2021 our clients also…

… created 1,876 events… 

… with over 48,500 participants

… sent over 1000 0000 emails in over 6000 mailings

… were working with over 300 000 alumni

Our knowledge base is used on a daily basis

Is there anything worse than getting stuck working with a system without knowing what to do? Trust us, we know the feeling. And while we might not have the immediate answer to every question, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and the answers to them in our Knowledge Base (fancier word for FAQ). Below are the top five most viewed pages in the Knowledge Base. 

Vad heter personnummer (och samordningsnummer) på engelska?

What is the difference between a Static and a Dynamic Query?

Klassificering av företag efter storlek. Varför just dessa intervall? Vad är ett SME?

6 sätt att erhålla bra datakvalitet i ditt CRM

How long does it take for an e-mail to reach the recipient?

While there is always more to do, we look back on 2021 with a smile on our faces. We would like to thank you all for a good collaboration in 2021 and we look forward to an exciting 2022.